Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 115, Sunday, April 25, 2010

We got Chinese delivered to the hotel--
a first for us!
Cheryl's meal is above;
mine is on the right!!

 I was able to go to church for one
service today, even though I can't drive yet,

because Leslie from Calvary picked up
Rosie, Kaitie, and Cody for a
Seekers/Go-getters outing at Meijer Gardens!

That meant we only had 9 people at home--
and we have 9 seatbelts in
the truck--a bit crowded,
but it works!

After lunch and putting everyone down
for a nap, Cheryl and I left for Ann Arbor.

I have a 9:00 AM appointment
tomorrow with Dr. Z. Kind of
dreading it, but at the same
time am hoping that he
can fit my obterator a bit snugger,
so I can eat something besides
Ensure!! If not, that's OK--

it just would be nice!

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